New Look Blog – Same Look City

So I might not get around to writing this blog much any more, about once a season, but I have managed to find time to completely rebuild it – because I enjoy that kind of stuff.

Plus I don’t watch City enough to really form incredibly valid opinions – or at least I didn’t last season. I think I’ve already watched more games this season than last season – I’m starting to wonder if I only watch for masochistic purposes.

And we have been pretty shit at times – I don’t think we are anywhere near as adjectively shite as we were in 2019/20, during which point the team had collectively given up – there is effort now, there is occasionally spark, and I fancy that we will win a few games during the course of the reason of the season.

There was actually a bit of hope at the end against Blackpool, and again when we played 3-5-2 against Middlesbrough – we seemed to have a bit more defensive solidity playing three at the back, with two wing-backs and some cover in defensive midfield.

Alas, with Jones injured, we don’t have enough defenders to play 3-5-2. Lack of defenders? Yeah we’ve been there before, haven’t we?

So we are back to playing this dumb 4-3-3 system (or is it 4-3-2-1?) which smashed League One, and Liverpool put to great effect in the Premier League. And our defensive frailties are there to see.

Easy crosses into the box. Tick. Lack of marking at set pieces. Tick. Teams running through the defence. Tick.

Yeah, we’ve seen this before. Same look City. As I mentioned, I don’t think we are as bad as 2019/20, there is more effort, more heart – and if we can get a central defender on loan in January, perhaps we can squeeze through to the end of the season in 21st.

And the blog?

Well I don’t really know where I’m going with it. I don’t have enough time – or inspiration to write on a regular basis. I kind of have to watch games to have enough to say without it simply being a moaning about Ehab blog (though moaning about Ehab does get me more visitors…not that I care about how many people read it), and living in London it ain’t easy to get to many games – especially with that aforementioned lack of time.

Is there even a regular Hull City AFC blog now since Amber Nectar closed their doors? Do tell me in the comments or via social media if there is. I’d like to read one. I think the club needs one. When the Allams finally fuck off, we’ll need every bit of spirit from the fans to rebuild, and keeping people engaged through blogs does work – well it did for me. Even during my mid 20’s when I only cared about pubs and nightclubs, reading Amber Nectar kept me in touch.

It is, of course, possible that there is the opposite of me out there – someone that fancies writing about Hull City AFC, but who cannot be bothered to go through the ballache of buying a domain, setting up a website, doing some design, yadda yadda – the stuff I’ve already done and enjoy doing.

So if you or anyone you know wants a platform to write about Hull City AFC, and think you can do a half-decent job with proper English words without getting me into trouble for libel, then I’m up for giving it a trial. You can e-mail me should you desire.

Otherwise I’ll just plod on with occasional posts whenever I’m inspired and actually have something to say.

Oh yeah, I hope you like the new design – if you notice anything out of place, drop me a line also. It is smarter, isn’t it?

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