An Excellent Defeat

Wow, what an excellent defeat that was on Saturday.  Yes I am a sarcastic bastard, and yes I am well-qualified at being facetious but that truly was the best result, the best way to be beaten and at the very best time.

All true Hull City AFC fans should be celebrating.

Do you really need me to elaborate?

Let’s play a game of make-believe.  The Allams saved our club, they are heroes, they have invested lots of money into our club for the good of the city.  It is their gift to the people of Hull.  Ehab fully intends on investing all the money from player sales.

Defeat on Saturday, having being grasped from the jaws of victory, with further additions to the injury list, having been watched in person by the man who saved our club – kind enough to wave at us upon request, may have helped persuade him that maybe, just maybe, we need a couple of extra players.

No matter how far up Ehab’s proverbial backside your tongue is, there is no escaping the fact that more players are urgently required.

Had we won on Saturday, then that would have been further paper over the cracks, and a bit of glitter on a turd.  Ehab may have been able to persuade himself that we had provided a strong enough squad for the season ahead.

Instead, it is clear even to the dumbest that we need more players.

Perhaps a few of those that still actually believe Ehab is the best thing since deconstructed cheesecake (it is a thing and it can fuck off too) may have finally realised that Ehab’s investment is an illusion and that the asset-stripping of our club has put us in danger of a second relegation.

Speaking of fucking off, is it just a co-incidence or is it that every time the Allam Out protests increase in volume and voraciousness, do we suddenly get new rumours of a takeover?  This is simply meant for our consumption, to sow division and to calm the protests down.

I am taking no notice of rumoured takeovers, nor am I taking notice of any actual takeover until it is fully signed and subsequently approved by the Football League.

And by the way, why did Ehab wave back on Saturday?  Is he dumb enough to think we were being friendly?  Is he egotistical enough to think we love him?  Or was he doing it in an ironic ‘fuck you’ kind of way?  Or is he waving goodbye?

Roll on defeat at Doncaster tonight.  That would be beautifully miserable.

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