Are Ticket Prices Ruining Football? Or Are You Ruining Football?

A brief post on the Hull City Supporters Trust website got me thinking.

Are ticket prices ruining football?  The post mentions the very meritable actions of Bradford City (who by the way are my tip for League 1 – excellent value at 16-1 too) in reducing their season ticket prices to £149.00.  That is £6.47 per game.

Why are they doing this?

Last season, Bradford City’s average attendance was 13,353.  The capacity is 25,136.

Why are we not doing this?

Last season, Hull City AFC’s average attendance last season was 23,557.  The capacity is 25,450.

Quite simply, supply and demand economics mean that Bradford have a half-full stadium that they need to fill, which will also generate extra match-day revenue.  Our stadium was almost at capacity despite the cost of certain matches being 8 times that of Bradford’s.

Put crudely – our ticket prices were much higher because people were willing to pay.  Me, you and Miss Halfandhalfshirt were willing to pay the high ticket prices.

So is it really ticket prices that are ruining football?  Or is it me and you, that pay these prices, that are ruining football?

If attendances plummet at Hull City next season, and it will be interesting to see how it fares, then I would expect ticket prices to fall the season after (unless we are promoted once more).  In the season we got promoted, our average attendance was 17,369 – I doubt they will be much different this season.

So if you want ticket prices to go down – you need to stay away from the games.

Personally I believe that a coordinated day of action, once a season, where all fans that are pissed off about the prices at their club, boycott and protest outside during the game, is the only way that any notice might be taken.

Unless fans stand up and take action together, it will only get more expensive.

Until then, supply and demand will rule.

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