Thoughts On Fixtures

Once we’d been relegated and I’d spent some time eating a truly miserable roast dinner in a place than rhymed with Allam, followed by a fair portion of time staring at a really hot Portuguese woman’s breasts that were desperate to fall out of her dress, I allowed the realities of relegation to sink in. … Continued

Thank You Steve Bruce

I remember being initially disappointed when we appointed Steve Bruce. Partly tinged with diminishing anger from the way Barmby had been treated (an initial insight into the future impetuosity of our owners), but also recalling that he didn’t stay manager long at clubs, particularly early in his career – and also not trusting him after … Continued

What I Want From Steve Bruce

I’ll tell you want I want, what I really, really want. Oh no, I’ve just had images of Steve Bruce dressed as a Spice Girl in my head.  If only I had access to Photoshop right now… Those of you bored enough to read my ramblings more than once will know that I am fully … Continued

In Bruce We Trust

After the Man Utd game, in which Hull City put in a fairly abysmal performance, there was a thread started on my favoured message board, entitled – “Is it time for Steve Bruce to leave?”. Quite possibly just an attention seeker – the thread’s enclosed poll gave a resounded support for Steve Bruce of over … Continued